Sunday, March 21, 2010

That Time of Year Again

Some of Tools of the Trade!
Yesterday I started to "Spring Clean", defined as
"A thorough cleaning, especially of a residence when winter is over."
My spring cleaning consists of:
washing windows, walls, baseboards, door casings, pictures, furniture, doors
vacuuming sofas, chairs, floors, heaters, lamp shades
applying murphys oil to hutch, kitchen cupboards
washing draperies, blankets, throws.
So far I have the livingroom and family room done as well as the kitchen minus the cupboards.
I would like to have it done by easter weekend but working Mon.-Fri. only leaves me the weekends and I REALLY don't want to spend all my weekends working. Maybe I'm toooo ambitious considering easter is only 2 weekends away.
(in my opinion yesterday felt more like spring :-)


Anonymous said...

wanna come do my house too??!! wow!! that is one thorough cleaning!! reminds me of when we lived at home as kids....and then we'd do Nanny's house too!! nowadays, i just paint....or avoid spring cleaning!!! just kidding :) margie

Anonymous said...

I think I taught you well. When you are through with your house maybe you could come and give me a hand:)!!!!

Dutch Girl said...

Actually I remember Anne saying she doesn't spring clean, she just moves :-)

PsycChicMegaWatts said...

The fever has hit me too. But more of the purging then cleaning. Throwing out or donating all that stuff hidden away in closets I've been afraid to open... The Toner girls are too big for my hand-me-downs these days! =)

Dutch Girl said...

Yes PsycChicMegaWatts, even back then we were reducing, reusing and recycling!

Anne P. said...

You got that right sister....I either move or hire someone to come in and do the cleaning for me. Think it's alot cheaper to hire someone than move.